Summer school in Kranj – one week Erasmus opportunity for FIS students

20 Jun

FIS  students can apply for International Summer School “Organization, Management and Society” in Kranj, Slovenia (University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences).



The summer school has two parts (both parts have to be attended):

– online – 26 August – 13 September
– in Kranj  – 2 September – 7 September


For attending  the summer school and passing all obligations, you will receive 3 ECTS. The course will be recognised as elective course for the ISM/EDA/ST/EO/IM study plan.

For the mobility you will get a scholarship  in amount of 70 EUR per day of the physical mobility in Kranj (at least 400 EUR  in total). The scholarship will be covered by the Erasmus BIP program (you will be asked to fill in the Erasmus forms – learning agreement, financial agreement…).

How to apply?
1. Fill in this form – till 20th June, 2024.
2. Upload  your CV and motivational letter (250 – 400 words)

Students of FIS VSE apply at FIS, not in Kranj. List of selected students will be sent from us to the University of Maribor.


Who can apply?
Students of the Master’s degree programs:

– ISM and EDA (active students), who are currently finishing the second semester of study
– ST, EO, IM students – Czech taught programs (active students), who are currently finishing the second semester of study


The selection criteria?
– application documents (CV and motivational letter)
– study results from the previous study at FIS VŠE

The application deadline is by 20th June. The results will be announced till 27th June at latest. Admitted students will be asked to follow our instructions regarding the further communication with the university in Kranj and with the VSE International Office.


Would like to receive more information?

Watch the record of the webinar from  Monday, 10th June from 3:30 pm.


Pictures from the summer school from September 2023

  • Author: Webmaster FIS
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