- two-year/four-semester study programme
- 120 ECTS credits/30 credits per semester
- full-time Master’s programme
- taught in English language
- tuition fee: 5,000 EUR/academic year – starting (2,500 EUR/semester)
- application deadlines: 28 February and 30 April
- starts every September
- ISM programme has two major specializations:
Management of Business Informatics (MBI) and Data & Business (DAB) - students apply directly to one of the specialization, you may apply for both in one application form (for one application fee), but the priority for one of the specialization has to be selected
The ISM Master programme is designed to train specialists in the management of information systems and data analytics, existing either in business companies or in the public sector, able to flexibly respond to the needs and challenges of the continuously changing IS/ICT and business environments.
- IS/ICT Management
- IS/ICT Management
- Business Process Engineering and Optimization
- Project Management
- IS Audit
- Data Analytics and Reporting
- Machine Learning
- Big Data Processing
- Essential Statistical Methods
Compulsory/ core courses | 90 ECTS |
Elective/ optional courses | 18 ECTS |
STUDY ABROAD PERIOD | optional in 3rd semester |
State Exams + Defence of the Master’s Thesis | 12 ECTS |
ISM MBI recommended study plan
Typically ISM graduates will be prepared to successfully perform in positions such as:
Chief Information Officer
Project Manager
IS Auditor
Business Analyst/Consultant
Chief Data Officer
Business Intelligence Specialist
Data Analyst
Big Data Engineer
There are two application rounds:
- February 28 (recommended for Visa-required students)
- April 30
Admission requirements:
- Bachelor/undergraduate degree, preferably in a related field of study
- proof of English proficiency
Applicants are asked to:
Complete the online application form, pay the application fee
Add study documents – (ask for Assessment of Previous Education)
ISM Master programme is accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic as a second-cycle higher education qualification.
According to the Czech legislation, graduates of the programme will be awarded the academic degree Ing. inženýr (engineer), which is the academic title awarded to graduates of master’s programmes in specific fields including economics, technical sciences and technologies.
The degree’s abbreviation Ing. is to be used before the name of the graduate (e.g. Ing. Jan NOVAK).
Interview with Rohith, the ISM student
Keynote Teachers
doc. Ing. Vlasta Svatá, Ph.D.
Academic Guarantor of the ISM programme and MBI specialization
courses: Information Systems Audit, Information Systems Management
Ing. Martin Potančok, Ph.D.
Academic Guarantor of the DAB specialization
courses: Competitive and Business Intelligence, Management of Enterprise IT
prof. Ing. Václav Řepa, CSc.
Department of Information Technologies
courses: Information Modelling of Organizations, Business Process Engineering
Ing. PhDr. Antonín Pavlíček, Ph.D.
Department of System Analysis
courses: Information Management, New Media and Social Network Services, Diploma Seminar
prof. Ing. Alena Buchalcevová, Ph.D.
Department of Information Technologies
course: Software Process Improvement
Ing. Majid Ziaei Nafchi, Ph.D.
Department of System Analysis
courses: Communication and Presentation of Information, Web 2.0 & Social Network Services
PhDr. Jan Černý, Ph.D.
Department of Information Technologies
courses: Competitive and Business Intelligence, Competitive Intelligence
doc. Ing. Tomáš Kliegr, Ph.D.
Department of Information and Knowledge Engineering
course: Programming in Data Science for Python

CONTACTS: Veronika Brunerová
FIS Masters Coordinator (ISM, EDA)
NB 408 (New Building, 4th floor)
+420 224 09 5418
Office hours: Mondays and Wednesdays: 9:00 -11:30 and 13:00-15:00
check the current office hours always in InSIS