ISM programme has been reaccredited and received two specializations

The Master’s programme Information Systems Management (ISM) has been reaccredited and received two specializations: Management of Business Informatics and Data & Business.

Applicants will apply now directly to one of the specialization, but may choose the second one as their second choice. In fact, they will apply to both specialization and will increase so their chance of being accepted, just the priorities have to been selected.

Applications to the new reaccredited ISM programme open just now (December 1), start of studies is in September 2023.



The ISM programme class opened for the first time in 2015. There are already 68 graduates of the ISM programme and 66 current students.
This programme offers really very good career options, ISM graduates have no problem to find an interesting and well-paid position in Prague or abroad.


  • Author: FIS Masters
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