Electronic confirmation of study – updates

Students can generate an electronic confirmation of study, study progress confirmation form and completion of study certificate (PDF file) in InSIS. This digital signature verifies the validity of the document, the file should be accepted by all authorities and companies as well as the existing paper confirmation with a stamp.

The procedure is simple:

  • go to Student Portal
  • application Student Confirmation
  • click on Electronic Confirmation of Study
  • a confirmation is generated and forwarded for background digital signature
  • within an hour it should be available in your Document storage
  • in case you need it in paper form, you can get a PDF file on a USB flash drive to the CzechPoint contact point (post office, most municipalities), and here they print you an officially certified copy for a modest fee


An electronic study confirmation is issued for the current semester. Confirmation can be in Czech or English – the language depends on whether you have set up Czech or English language environment in InSIS.