
MOS student awarded in ESOP contest

Every academic year the best students’  written works are awarded within the Contest of Excellent Works of Student (ESOP). The ceremony took place in Vencovského club  on Tuesday 12 November. The Rector of the University awarded students of the bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral programs for their excellent seminar research papers. All awarded  students’ works will […]

MOS student awarded in ESOP contest

MOS student has visited the European Statistical Week in Eurostat, Luxemburg

Our  student of the Master´s programme Official Statistics Danica Cortez was chosen to participate at the European Statistical Week in Eurostat, Luxembourg! This training week is for European statisticians   to provide them  the opportunity to participate in international training courses, workshops and seminars and also to give them the opportunity to visit departments for job […]

MOS student has visited the European Statistical Week in Eurostat, Luxemburg

FIS Masters Bowling

FIS organized the traditional FIS Masters Bowling for our current and former ISM, QEA and MOS students  in XBowling  near to the tram stop Olšanská (5 Minutes from the University Campus) on 31 October 2019.  

FIS Masters Bowling

Jan Fischer received the traditional Prize of the President of the Czech Statistical Office

  The traditional Prize of the President of the Czech Statistical Office was awarded during the Celebrations of 100 years of modern Czech statistics to Mr. Jan Fischer. Jan Fischer is former Prime Minister of the Czech Republic and former President of the Czech Statistical Office. Nowadays he is teaching one of the keynote course […]

Jan Fischer received the traditional Prize of the President of the Czech Statistical Office

VŠE at the IEFT Study fair in Istanbul

The University of Economics, Prague visited  the IEFT Study fair in Istanbul. You could meet us at the Study in Prague stand: 25 October 12:00- 18:00 – Dedeman Bostanci Hotel (Asia part of Istanbul) 26-27 October 12:00 – 18:00 -Istanbul Congress Center (near to Taksim square)

VŠE at the IEFT Study fair in Istanbul

ISM programme ranked as the 5th best

The Master´s programme Information Systems Management (ISM)  placed the 5th best  position in the Eastern Europe region in this field of study according to Eduniversal ranking. The ISM students have a very good starting position after their graduation. Students of our faculty have the highest starting salary after the graduation from  all VŠE alumni and […]

ISM programme ranked as the 5th best

Graduation ceremony – 20/9/2019

The Graduation ceremony of newly graduates of the programs Information Systems Management and Quantitative Economic Analysis took place in the Vencovsky Aula on 20 September 2019 at 10am. Congratulations to new ISM and QEA graduates! Participants of the ceremony are expected to come to the ISM/QEA office in the required time before the ceremony (at […]

Graduation ceremony – 20/9/2019