FIS Masters Graduation Ceremony

15 Nov

The graduation ceremony for the new graduates of the Master programs Information Systems Management (ISM) and Economic Data Analysis (EDA) is taking place in Vencovsky Auditorium on 15th  November 2024 from 13:00.

Students have to come at 12:20 at latest (meeting point – New Building, 1st floor, Vencovský auditorium’s foyer ).

The graduation ceremony is for all graduates who have completed the ISM and EDA Master programmes in the academic year 2023/2024. If you can’t attend the ceremony, let us know at least one day in advance.

There are no limits for number of guests. Guests should arrive before 12:45 p.m., also current ISM and EDA students are invited to visit this ceremony.

Children younger than 3 year can’t participate at the ceremony – thank you for understanding of this rule. The formal dress is requested.


By participating in the VSE graduation, you consent to taking photographs and audiovisual recordings of your person during the graduation and after its completion within the given day on the VSE campus. Photographs and audiovisual recordings will be published for promotion and distribution on the school’s website.

  • Author: Webmaster FIS
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