Special form of studies
Special form of studies is a part of lifelong learning, which is meant for students who would like to deepen their knowledge in some fields. It is a non-degree education, participants will not receive the student’s benefits.
Applicants choose courses scheduled for the given semester at the Faculty of Informatics and Statistics. VŠE Study and Examination Rules are valid also for those forms of studies.
Admission to the given courses has to be approved by the Dean of the Faculty.
Check courses for the current semester here.
Participant has to submit the application at the beginning of the given semester and a payment receipt of the course fee. The application has to be signed by the Department offering the given course.
Course fee: number of ECTS credits multiplied by 700,- CZK (one course for 6 ECTC credits costs 4.200 CZK)
Payment details: 1828782/0800, variable symbol 400028
Contact Details: Mgr.Veronika Brunerová
NB 408, fismaters@vse.cz