I-Week 2022

  • M SIRAJUL ISLAM – Managing Information and Communication Technology for Development

    Offered by the Faculty of Informatics and Statistics

    Course in InSIS – 4SA630, classroom – ONLINE, in MS Teams

    Registration opens on 1st October

    Dr M. Sirajul Islam is an Associate professor in information systems at the Informatics department of Örebro University School of Business, Sweden. Siraj is specialized in teaching and research in the areas of eGovernment, Information systems security management, ICTs for development (ICT4D), Education and Crisis management with a special interest in marginalized communities in developing regions. He is at present the Director of the Master’s Programme in Information Systems security management at the Örebro University, Sweden.


    Course syllabus:
    ‘ICT4D’ is the use of information and communication technologies for development where ‘development (D)’ is generally seen as empowering marginalized people or communities through facilitating access to information and having them acted on this information in their decision-making processes towards progress and growth both at the individual and societal levels. Given the multidisciplinary characteristics of ICT4D, the aims of this course are to deliver critical lessons needed to rightly understand development context, especially in the perspective of poor countries, successfully planning, designing and implementing ICT4D initiatives.

    MOJCA BAVDAŽ- Economic Statistics in the Modern Age


    Offered by the Faculty of Informatics and Statistics

    Course in InSIS – 4ES630 , classroom – ONLINE, in ZOOM

    Registration opens on 1st October


    Mojca Bavdaž is Associate Professor at the School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. She has been working in the field official statistics for two decades, be it for teaching, research or consultancy. She has conducted research on data sources and data collection underlying official economic statistics as well as on dissemination, visualization and use of these data.


    Course syllabus:
    What is the role of official economic statistics in the world of information overload and fake news? How are official economic indicators presented and used in public debate (e.g. Brexit)? How can official economic indicators compete with alternative metrics? The course will equip students with fundamentals about the functioning and methodology of official statistics to critically evaluate indicators used in today’s world, judge implications for their quality and consider their power and limitations. The course will seek answers to the following questions:

    • How does official economic statistics solve measurement challenges (e.g. definition of concepts and statistical units)?
    • What data sources are used in the production of official economic statistics? How do methods of data collection contribute to the quality of official economic statistics and how has the Covid-19 crisis influenced data collection? How does official statistics deal with modern challenges such as big data (e.g. mobile phone data, scanner data, satellite pictures) and integration of sources (e.g. administrative tax data with a survey)?
    • What is the quality of official economic statistics? What consequences do disruptions such as pandemics have on economic statistics?
    • How are official economic statistics disseminated to reach its users? What communication channels and what visualization tools are used?

    ROBERT LESKOVAR – Low-code Paradigm – from idea to application

    Offered by the Faculty of Informatics and Statistics

    Course in InSIS – 4IT470, classroom – ONLINE, in MS Teams

    Registration opens on 1st October


    Robert Leskovar is a Professor of Quality and Information Systems at Univerity of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences (UMFOV), Slovenia. He teaches graduate and postgraduate courses such as Computer Science and Informatics, System Analysis, Information System Project Management, Object-oriented software development, Software Quality an Software Engineering. He is guest lecturer at RWTH Aachen and University of Ljubljana. His research interest include multiple criteria decision making, simulation and methods and software development. As Oracle Academy instructor for Java, database programming and application development he included low-code paradigm in curricula for non-technical students at UM FOV. He recently co-authored a book in digital marketing along with the papers in the field of information systems.

    Course syllabus:
    The goal of this course is to engage non computer science students (but CS students are not excluded) in development of web applications with low-code approach using one of suitable tools. In this course Oracle Application Express (APEX) will be used.

    The course content will include an overview of low-code paradigm, introduction to business case in which low-code tool could and should be used, swift overview of the APEX, setting requirements for web application and hands-on exploration of the tool. Topics on maintainability, functionality, usability, life cycle costs and other traps will be presented by lecturer.

    Students will study individualy and also work in teams where 3 to 5 members will be given roles such as administrator, developer and user. The final result of transformation of requirements will be web application prototype. Although the course involve team work, the contribution of each team member will be evaluated indivudualy. Presentation of the prototype, prototype itself and related documentation will contribute to the final grade.

    JOHANNES FÜRNKRANZ- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

    Offered by the Faculty of Informatics and Statistics

    Course in InSIS – 4IZ573, classroom – ONLINE, in MS Teams

    Registration opens on 1st October, the course is already full


    Johannes Fürnkranz is a Professor for Computational Data Analytics at the Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria. His main research interest is machine learning, in particular inductive rule learning andpreference learning, and their applications in Game Playing, Web Mining, and Data Mining in the Social Sciences. He has co-chaired several international conferences, including ICML 2010 and ECML/PKDD 2006, and is editor-in-chief of the journal “Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery”.


    Course syllabus:
    This course offers a first introduction to the field of Artificial Intelligence, including its historical development, fundamental models, and elementary techniques. Furthermore an overview of the current status of the field and outlook on future developments is given. In several lectures, we will touch about the highlights in the History of AI, and will look at some fundamental techniques in areas such as Game Playing, Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Natural Language Processing, Planning, and Reasoning and Knowledge Representation.

    ANDREAS SCHÜLER – Business Valuation

    Offered by the Faculty of Finance and Accounting

    Study material will be sent to students already during the semester.

    Course in InSIS – 1FP555, classroom -ONLINE

    Andreas Schüler is a Professor of Finance at the Universitaet der Bundeswehr Munich, Germany, since 2004. He received his MBA from Murray State University, USA in 1993, supported by a Fulbright-Grant.
    Prof. Schüler currently teaches Corporate Finance, Asset Pricing & Management, Corporate Valuation and Capital Budgeting at the University of Regensburg in Germany. He has taught at several Universities and in several executive training programs. He is also experienced in consulting on valuation issues and served as an expert witness. He has (co)authored several books on valuation (Unternehmensbewertung, together with Jochen Drukarczyk; Akquisitionen, Börsengänge und Restrukturierungen: Fallstudien zur Unternehmensbewertung, together with Jochen Drukarczyk; Finanzmanagement mit Excel) and a number of articles in national and international journals in finance and accounting (see below).


    Course syllabus:
    Business valuation is important for managers and investors. Managers of profit oriented companies are supposed to follow the interest of the owners by making value generating decisions. But also for other purposes besides value based management (like buying or selling shares in companies, business units or total companies, valuing business projects or creditor claims) valuation techniques are indispensable knowledge for executives. This applies to valuing the ‘own’ company or area of responsibility. Thus, valuation is needed from an intra-company perspective. However, it is also important from an external perspective when it comes to valuing other companies or business units from the point of view of a debt or equity investor, financial analysts or a competitor.

    The course builds upon knowledge the participants have acquired in accounting, controlling, financial management and corporate finance and applies that knowledge to valuing companies. It will emphasize the economic reasoning especially behind the assumptions made, thus checking them for plausibility, and the value of flexibility as business opportunities require more than a just a black-and-white way of decision making.

    JORGE FARINHA- Corporate Governance and Control

    Offered by the Faculty of Finance and Accounting

    Course in InSIS –1FU556, classroom – ONLINE

    Professor Jorge Farinha graduated from Economics in University Porto (1987), holds an MBA degree (INSEAD, France, 1990) and successfully defended his PhD in Accounting and Finance (Lancaster University,1999). In present, he is employed as an Assistant Professor of Finance (FEP-Faculty of Economics, University of Porto, and Porto Business School, University of Porto, Portugal), a guest lecturer at Gisma Business School and Kozminski University as well as an Associate Researcher (CEF.UP Research Center for Economics and Finance at the University Porto). Since 2019, he has been the Director of the Master in Finance at FEP. Professor Farinha is also engaged with business practice, including serving as a Non-Executive Independent Board Director (2008-2018) at Martifer SGPS, a listed company on the Euronext NYSE Lisbon Stock Exchange. His research interest covers topics from corporate governance, corporate finance, dividend policy, earnings management, banking, M&A.


    Course syllabus:
    Students are expected to obtain an effective understanding of the corporate governance problem, in all its implications, and also to exercise a capability for critical analysis of the real world corporate governance solutions. Real world corporate governance cases will be studied and a systematic comparison will be made between the praxis of corporate governance and the concrete situations of corporate success and failure. Theoretically based models will be combined with the critical analysis of decision-making problems of real world cases at international level.

  • Author: FIS Masters
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