
Student of EDA Program Was Awarded Professor Miroslav Vlček Scholarship

The first VŠE student was awarded the Professor Miroslav Vlček scholarship. The scholarship is awarded to a foreign student enrolled in international degree programme who, in addition to fulfilling his/her study duties, has contributed to promotion of VŠE and the Czech Republic internationally and who has shown interest and active involvement in research, educational or […]

Student of EDA Program Was Awarded Professor Miroslav Vlček Scholarship
Best student RANKING

FIS Masters Graduation Ceremony in November

The Graduation ceremony of new ISM and MOS graduates took place on November 4, at the VŠE Campus. FIS Masters Office is proud to have 10 new graduates of the program Information Systems Management (ISM) and Official Statistics (MOS). Two students received also a diploma with honours, which is issued only to students with  excellent […]

ISM ranked 6th in Eastern Europe’s Master’s Programmes

In the annual Eduniversal ranking, the Prague University of Economics and Business (VŠE) placed first again, thus defending the title of the best Business School in the Eastern European region. The award ceremony took place online on Thursday, November 18, the record is available here.   The program Information Systems Management, taught at our Faculty, […]

FIS Masters Bowling

FIS Masters Bowling took place after two years again! ISM and EDA students and graduates have been invited to enjoy the game and time together. The bowling was held in Victoria Bowling, near to the University on Thursday November 4. There have been almost 30 students and graduates. The best students and the best team […]

FIS Masters Bowling

Visit of the Old Town Hall in Prague

FIS Master students visited  the Old Town Hall in Prague on Thursday October 7. There was a guided tour, we visited the medieval  basement, chapel and the tower.  It was a great moment to meet together and discover Prague history and monuments.   The Old Town Hall is a special building in Prague, with old […]

Visit of the Old Town Hall in Prague

Flashback: FIS Masters Registration Day

On Tuesday, September 14, we welcomed new FIS Masters students at the University Campus, students of the English taught programs Information Systems Management (ISM) and Economic Data Analysis (EDA). Ms Svatá, the professor of the Department of Systems Analysis and academic guarantor of the ISM program  and Ms. Brunerová, FIS Master coordinator, greeted new students. […]

Flashback: FIS Masters Registration Day