Extraordinary regulation at FIS (online learning) – UPDATES
Due to an extraordinary measures of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic, which with effect from March 11, 2020 forbids the personal presence of students in classes, we ask our students to contact their teacher, Thesis supervisors, FIS Master office and other Faculty staff via email, telephone, InSIS or other online application.
Full-time teaching at VŠE will not be possible at least until mid-May 2020 (according to the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports).
The form and content of the lectures will be set by guarantors of particular courses (online lectures, seminar papers, sharing of presentations..). Students will be informed by teachers electronically. Most of the classes should be held as video lectures via MS TEAMS or ZOOM.
More information to online lectures here.
The teaching period and the examination period do not change, the summer semester will run according to the original schedule. The teaching period ends on May 15, 2020 and the examination period runs from May 18 to June 26, 2020.
UPDATE – 20 April
Entrance to the University building will be allowed to students for the following purposes:
– taking a state final examination or its part, a comprehensive examination in minor specialization, a state doctoral examination or defensing a dissertation,
– picking up the ordered study literature into the library
A student may participate in an examination or other activity at VŠE only if the following conditions are met:
– prove its identity with a student´s ID card to the security staff while entering the building,
– be free from acute health problems corresponding to a viral infectious disease (e.g. fever, cough, shortness of breath, sudden loss of taste and smell, etc.),
– have no quarantine measures at the given time,
– provide a written affidavit on the absence of symptoms of viral infectious diseases during the previous two weeks,
– wear respiratory protective equipment (mask, respirator, scarf, etc.),
– use hand sanitizer before entering the room
In case of any questions contact your teachers via email or the FIS Master office on
fismaster@vse.cz or 721 910 984 (phone or WhatsApp)