
ISM/ QEA/ MOS Application deadline round I – 28 February!

      For more information go to the admission webside.

ISM/ QEA/ MOS Application deadline round I – 28 February!

Visit job fair ŠANCE /12.-14. 3./

From 12th to 14th March, the job fair ŠANCE (Chance) will be held at the University of Economics, Prague (VŠE). Students and graduates of VŠE have the opportunity to meet more than one hundred employers and their job offers represented at the fair. The fair lasts for three days, on each day from 10:00 am to 4:30 pm. […]

Visit job fair ŠANCE /12.-14. 3./

Exchange Programme Applications for 2019/20 – 11-18 February

Applications for Exchange Programme during academic year 2019/20 will be available electronically in InSIS: master level exchange 11.-18.2.2019 bachelor level exchange 19.-26.2.2019 More details here.

Exchange Programme Applications for 2019/20 – 11-18 February

International Week at FIS

The Faculty of Informatics and Statistics (FIS) organizes once a year an international week  (I-Week) when we invite 3-5 teachers, each of them gives an intensive lecture for 3 ECTS which is offered to Master´s students at FIS as an elective course. Students can choose one course every year from the given offer, the list […]

International Week at FIS

Professorial appointment – the Faculty of Informatics and Statistics has two new professors

The University of Economics has four new professors, which is the highest pedagogical-academic title in the Czech Republic. Two of them are from our Faculty: prof. Jakub Fischer – Dean of the Faculty of Informatics and Statistics, professor at the Department of Economic Statistics, Academic Guarantor of the Master´s degree Official Statistics (MOS) prof. Martin […]

Professorial appointment – the Faculty of Informatics and Statistics has two new professors

Opening hours during Christmas holidays

17 – 21 December: Monday – Thursday: 8:30am – 11:30am and 1pm – 3pm Friday: 9am – 11am 21 December – 1 January: closed   FIS Master´s Office wish you a  MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Opening hours during Christmas holidays

Semester Abroad and Minor Specializations Presentation – 14 December

Friday, December 14th, 2018, NB 468, 9-12. Presentation for  ISM, QEA, MOS and IDS students in the 1st semester. Learn how to apply for a semester abroad at a partner university and how/which minor specialization (MS) to choose. Timeschedule: 9am – MS Economic Data Analysis 9:30am  – study rules + InSIS 10am  – MS Consulting 10:30am  – MS Marketing […]

Semester Abroad and Minor Specializations Presentation – 14 December

ISM/QEA/MOS Bowling evening – 28 November

The Faculty of Informatics and Statistics organizes many cultural and leisure activities for our international students: last week took place the traditional Bowling evening. I hope everybody really enjoyed it.

ISM/QEA/MOS Bowling evening – 28 November

University of Economics Prague in the Financial Times rankings of the 95 top European Business Schools in 2018

Every year the Financial Times publishes the ranking of the top European Business School. The University of Economics, Prague (VŠE) took 60th place in the actual ranking for 2018. It is the best place for VŠE in this ranking. VŠE took 86th place last year and 88th in 2016. The top 14 schools remain the […]

University of Economics Prague in the Financial Times rankings of the 95 top European Business Schools in 2018

Eduniversal Ranking 2018: VŠE ist the best Business School, ISM placed 6th

In the annual Eduniversal ranking the University of Economics, Prague (VŠE) placed first and gained a title of the best Business School in the Eastern Europe.   The excellent result again confirms the high level of the University of Economics, Prague. VŠE has regularly ranked among the three best schools in the region since 2009. The award ceremony […]

Eduniversal Ranking 2018: VŠE ist the best Business School, ISM placed 6th