Course registration

Course pre-registration for the Winter Semester 2024/2 will take place from 17th June to 27th August 2024. During this time, students have to register for all the classes they want to study.

The registration of courses at VŠE has to be effected through the university information system InSISNo other option!!!

It consists of 3 stages:

The pre-registration: it serves to collect the interests of students in courses. If you do not show an interest in the course, you have basically no chance to register it after the pre-registration is closed (only if there are remaining free places in the “Enrolment stage”).

The pre-registration will be opened 17 June to 27 August 2024. At this stage, through the pre-registration, students show their interest in the courses they wish to study. It is absolutely compulsory that a student pre-register for courses she/he would like to take. It is possible to pre-register also for a course, for which the system shows “there is no free capacity anymore”. Since the pre-registration is a system of orders, there is no time competition among the students, there is no first come first served basis – you can pre-register the courses also the last day and it will have no impact on the fact if you are included into participants.

Automated registration is a process where the student is not involved.

Each course has its capacity, in the pre-registration phase all students select their wished courses and their planned schedules. Then, the automated registration takes place and compares the students’ demand and the capacity of the course and select the students (based on several criteria) that will be registered.

You can delete courses after the automated registration BUT you cannot end up with less credits that the system put through the automated registration  e.g. you registered for courses of total amount of 30 ECTS, after the automated registration you have 28 ECTS. So that is the minimum you have to study during the semester. You can add courses and delete another but you have to have still 28 ECTS as minimum.
During this time, the registration to courses is not open.

The enrollment is a stage after the automated registration where students can only enroll in courses where free spots are available.

This stage is based on time competition, first come, first served! The free places are visible in brackets. – Student can see whether she/he was enrolled or not once she/he enters the enrollment. – If the student was not enrolled automatically, she/he needs to be fast and compete with the others for the free places.

Registrations for Summer Semester 2023/24 – DATES

Pre-registration of courses 17 June – 27 August 2024
Automated registration – system is closed for changes 2 September 2024
1st round of registration (compulsory courses) 3-4- September 2024
2nd round of registration (elective courses) 6-7 September 2024
3rd round of registration (both – compulsory + elective courses) 10-11 September 2024
Drop/Add period 16-20 September 2024
Summer semester classes start 16 September 2024


  • Author: FIS Masters
  • Created on:
  • Last update: